Why Just Being a ‘Good Person’ Falls Short of God’s Standards
Are you someone who prides themselves on being a good person? Maybe you volunteer at a local charity, donate to causes close to your heart, and always try to treat others with kindness and respect. While these actions are certainly commendable, they may not hold up against the standards set forth by God.
In this post, we’ll explore why just being a “good person” isn’t enough in the eyes of our Creator and what steps we can take to better align ourselves with His expectations. So buckle up and get ready for some eye-opening revelations!
What does it mean to be a ‘good person’?
In today’s society, the term “good person” is often used to describe someone who is kind, moral, and upstanding. While there is nothing wrong with these qualities, they fall short of what it means to be a good person according to God’s standards.
God’s definition of a good person is someone who loves Him above all else and obeys His commands. This includes loving your neighbor as yourself, living a life of integrity and honesty, and sharing the gospel with others. Good works are important, but they are not the foundation of our salvation. Only a relationship with Christ can give us true peace and everlasting life.
The Human Standard of Morality
It’s not enough to simply be a good person. We must meet God’s standards of morality if we want to be right with Him. His standard is perfection, and anything less than that falls short.
Many people try to justify their sin by saying, “I’m a good person. I don’t hurt anyone. I help others. I don’t deserve to go to Hell.” But the problem is that our goodness is measured against a different standard than our own. It’s not enough to not hurt others; we must also do good unto them (Luke 6:31). It’s not enough to help others; we must also love them (1 John 3:17-18).
The human standard of morality falls short because it doesn’t take into account the heart. Our intentions may be good, but if our actions are sinful, they will still lead us away from God (Matthew 15:19-20). Simply put, we cannot earn our way into Heaven by being “good people.” Our only hope is in Jesus Christ, who alone can bridge the gap between us and God (John 14:6).
God’s Standard of Morality
Christianity teaches that God is the source of all morality. His moral standards are absolute, perfect, and unchanging. They are not based on human opinion or preferences. Rather, they are based on God’s character, which is good, holy, and just.
God’s standard of morality is higher than ours because he is perfect. He created us in his image, so we have the potential to be morally good. However, we are fallen creatures who are often influenced by our sinful nature. As a result, our morality falls short of God’s perfection.
God calls us to live according to his standards, not ours. When we do that, we experience his blessing and find true fulfillment in life.
How to Live Up to God’s Standards
The Bible is very clear that God’s standards are higher than ours. As sinners, we can never meet His righteous standards on our own. The good news is that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin, and when we trust in Him as our Savior, He gives us His righteousness.
If you have not yet trusted in Christ as your Savior, I encourage you to do so today. If you have already made that decision, here are four ways you can start living up to God’s standards:
1) Read your Bible every day. As you read, ask God to help you understand His Word and apply it to your life.
2) Pray regularly. Talk to God about everything that’s going on in your life – the good and the bad. Thank Him for His blessings, and ask for His help with your challenges.
3) Surround yourself with other believers. Find a local church where you can worship God and grow in your faith alongside other Christians. This community will help support and encourage you as you strive to live for Christ.
4) Serve others. Look for ways to serve those around you – at home, at work, in your community, etc. As you serve others selflessly, you will be reflecting the love of Christ to them.
Living up to God’s standards isn’t easy, but with the help of the Spirit and other believers around you, it can be done. Commit yourself to seeking out growth in your faith journey every day.
Repentance and Faith
The Bible is clear that our good works cannot save us; only faith in Jesus Christ can provide salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, repentance is a necessary part of salvation. Repentance is turning from sin and self-reliance to God. It is changing our minds about sin and spiritual things and setting our hearts on things above (Colossians 3:1-2). True repentance will result in changed behavior.
When we repent of our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He then gives us His Spirit to dwell within us, empowering us to live godly lives (Romans 8:9-11). Our good works flow out of our love for God and are motivated by His grace, not a desire to earn salvation ( Galatians 5:22-23 ).
It’s not enough to just be a good person. In order to meet God’s standards, we must repent and have faith. Repentance is recognizing our sinfulness and turning away from it. Faith is believing in Jesus Christ and trusting in Him for forgiveness and salvation.
Challenges of Living a Holy Life in an Unholy World
It’s not easy living a holy life in an unholy world. There are all sorts of challenges that come with tries to live up to God’s standards. For one, the world is full of temptation. It’s everywhere you look, and it can be really hard to resist.
There are also a lot of people out there who don’t share your belief in God, or who don’t understand what it means to live a holy life. This can make it difficult to find support or understanding from others. Living a holy life often requires making sacrifices.
You might have to give up things that you enjoy doing, or pass up opportunities because they go against your beliefs. All of these challenges can make it tough to stick to your convictions and live a truly holy life.
But living a holy life is an achievable goal, no matter how hard it may be. It takes faith, discipline and dedication to stay on the right path. Remember that you are never alone in this journey; God is always with you, cheering you on and helping you through it all. And when things get tough, take solace in knowing that your perseverance will eventually be rewarded.
In conclusion, this article has hopefully clarified why just being a ‘good person’ can fall short of God’s standards. Even though it is our natural inclination to try to act in an ethical and moral manner, we must remember that it is not enough.
With faith in Jesus as the only way to salvation comes a need for holiness that can never be attained through solely human effort or virtue. We must humbly realize this and strive each day towards lives of true righteousness before the eyes of God, so that we may one day enjoy His abiding presence forevermore.
This means living a life of Christian discipleship, practicing repentance, and devoting ourselves fully to The Lord. Only in Jesus do we find salvation and eternal life – not through our good works, no matter how moral or righteous they may be.
Loving our neighbors is just one piece of the puzzle; a necessary but incomplete part of our relationship to God. We must remember that when it comes to pleasing God, even good deeds are insufficient without a strong faith and dedication to Jesus Christ.
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